A set of poems written during the month of Alu'vira, donated by a source who wishes to remain anonymous.
There once was a boy in a city
Who attempted to write you a ditty
He worked day and nite
Found words that were right
But ya still said it was pretty shitty
(Olive Yew, Alu’vira ilte ii)
There once was a girl on the streets
Who sold stolen turnips and beets
A boy came to court her
She asked for a lawyer
He does this to every lass he meets
(Yun Truyld, Alu’vira rente ii)
I have been accused by the waify market girl
Of deeds which do make my brow furl
She is truly mistaken
My heart’s only been achin’
For the sole gal who sets my world awhirl
(Olive Yew, Alu’vira rente ii)
If a man and a woman are courting
Should the woman not find it rewarding?
Yet I trudge through the day
Keeping his annoyances at bay
For he still helps me around with the porting
(Yun Truyld, Alu’vira arlte ii)
The morns have been unusually quiet
Lacking the urchin who daily would riot
I may end up regretting this:
I am sorry if I was a priss
Please write me so I know you’re alright
(Yun Truyld, Alu’vira emrew ii)
Aha! You’ve crafted a rhyme quite poor
You know “alright” does not match those before
But to answer your question
Pa said with no suggestion
That I am to pack up and ready for war
(Olive Yew, Alu’vira onte iii)